Knoxville, tn Cake Smash Session

One of my favorite types of sessions are first birthdays! More specifically, cake smash sessions! It’s a huge creative outlet for me, as I custom make each set up myself. I love planning and even researching different items for each “theme” and some sessions may push me a little harder to nail it, if it’s a theme I’m not very familiar with. This theme, though - was SO fun to create.

When mom reached out for Charlie’s cake smash/ first birthday portraits, we talked over a few different themes and when I mentioned “groovy one,” it was actually on her maybe list for her birthday party theme. So, that nailed down the theme after sending over some inpiration! I had already envisioned super cool, funky items like the VW old school bus, daisy’s and or course smiley faces and rainbows. Everything groovy!

It’s kind of funny and interesting to see different trends throughout the year and notice what “comes back around” in style. Lately I’ve seen several birthday parties be chosen for “a groovy one” and it’s such a great fit for baby’s first birthday with the fun, bright colors.

We needed a dairy free cake - and that was no problem! I have a baker that can do just that - and look how CUTE it turned out! I love offering cake add ons for families so that can be one less thing off their plate. My goal is to have everything ready to go for family’s arrival at the studio, so no worries on having to bring anything or schedule in time to do a cake pickup! It also helps so much in planning the backdrop sets and making sure the baker and my vision is on the same page for colors and design. This is optional though - so if you have a favorite baker you love to use, you absolutely can!

I had met sweet Charlie for her six month milestone at my Knoxville studio, and she made the silliest, cutest little expressions; so when it was time for her cakesmash - she of course gave the same effort! She loved her cake, and splashing in the tub for cleanup.

So glad you had a groovy one, sweet Charlie!


knoxville, tn photographer - a special cakesmash session


Spiderman Session - Knoxville, TN